
The sixth: Result of Ecocap Movement (Cap Collection)

23rd February 2015
IMA Group Inc.
Management division

IMA Group Inc. has taken part in 'NPO Cabinet Office Certified Ecocap Movement' which provides vaccines to children in developing countries, through collection and sale of plastic bottle caps.

We collected 5224 plastic bottle caps during August 2014 to January 2015 and donated these to the NPO Ecocap Movement. This will be converted into vaccines for 6 people and will reduce 39kg of CO2.
The collected bottle caps come to 33,486, vaccines for 40 people and will reduce 251kg of CO2 so far.


1st result:Sept. 2011 to Feb. 20124,800 caps
2nd result:Mar. 2012 to Jul. 20124,800 caps
3rd result:Aug. 2012 to Jan. 20135,160 caps
4th result:Feb. 2013 to Sept. 20135,160 caps
5th result:Oct. 2013 to Jul. 20148,342 caps
6th result:Aug. 2014 to Jan. 20155,224 caps
Total:33,486 caps

We will try our best to continue contributing to the through Eco cap Movement. Ecocap Movement HP)


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